MacArthur announced it will launch a new round of its 100&Change competition for a single $100 million grant to help solve one of the world's most critical social challenges.
Caribbean Sea
Hurricane Statistics
Empowering Hurricane
Readiness and Response in the Caribbean
Caribbean nations are highly vulnerable to hurricane disasters due to their location, small size and agriculture/tourism based economies. Hurricane early warning systems, planning and response are less advanced and catastrophic disasters like Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and Dominica are the result.
Home to nearly 45 million people, 72% urban, the Caribbean has endured over 60% of the natural disasters impacting all small nations worldwide since 1950. As the oceans continue to warm, increasing the frequency and intensity of hurricanes, the need for solutions has become even more urgent.
Our team will fill the gap in the Caribbean’s hurricane response chain by improving tropical storm intensity forecasts, mapping areas vulnerable to storm surge, and fostering community readiness and resiliency.
Creating hurricane-ready communities through education programs/training exercises combined with robust early-warning systems, will enable communities to better survive these increasingly violent storms. Greater knowledge of the potential impacts will enable small nations to plan for resiliency and provide a model for island nations around the world.
With the collaborative solution outlined in our proposal, we will save lives, homes and businesses…
Rutgers Proposal
Our Solution
How Will
We Solve This
We propose to scale-up three proven activities to fill critical gaps in the Caribbean hurricane response chain.
To read the entire proposal,
click the link below:
Our Video

Logic Model

Meet The Team
- RUCOOL: MacArthur Foundation 100&Change Submission | RUCOOL YouTube
- Challenger Mission Trailer: Indian Ocean Leg 1 Australia to Sri Lanka | RUCOOL YouTube
- The Challenger Mission: South Atlantic | RUCOOL YouTube
- How a Glider Works | RUCOOL YouTube
- How a Glider Samples the Ocean | RUCOOL YouTube
- The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction | United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction YouTube
- ICG CARIBE EWS Short Film | Caribbean Tsunami Information Centre YouTube
- Three animated spots for Haitian preparedness for tsunami early warning | Aliaga J YouTube
- Honduras: Cedeño Municipality Becomes First “Tsunami Ready” Community in the Pacific | UNESCO YouTube
- Tsunami drill in Haina, Nigua and Palenque | Noticias SIN YouTube
- Tsunami Evacuation Drill in San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic | UNESCO YouTube
- Tsunami Exercise Simulation in Fort-Liberte | Haïti Info 9 YouTube
- Omoa Receives Historic Tsunami Ready Certification | COPECO HONDURAS YouTube
- Inhabitants of Corn Island Participate in a Multi-threat Exercise Against Tsunami | Viva Nicaragua 13 YouTube
- Application
- Resource budgeting for inclusion
- UN Disabilities inclusion
- UN Disabilities PDF
- SAMOA Pathway
- 2019 SAMOA Pathway review
- Population Latin America
- Hurricane and Tropical Cyclones Archive
- Tsunami Information Center
- Tsunami Ready
- Weather.Gov Tsunami Ready
- Building a resilient Caribbean – Bracing for the storm
- Hurricane Center Storm Surge Modeling
- National Storm Hazard Maps
- Natural Hazards in the Caribbean
- Reasonable Accommodation Tip Sheet for Budgeting
- Scaling Up
- Building Measurement – Four pillar approach
- Tsunami
- Small States Resiliency
- High Vulnerability of small states
- Weather Ready Nation
- Historic Hurricane Tracks
- Caribbean Visitors: 30 M People Per Year
- IOC 10th Coastal Hazard Meeting
- National Hurricane Center
- National Academies
- National Data Buoy Center
- Global HF Radar Network
- UNESCO-IOC CARIBE-EWS Partner Sample Brochure
- Small Island Developing States
Domingues Ricardo, Kuwano-Yoshida Akira, Chardon-Maldonado Patricia, Todd Robert E., Halliwell George, Kim Hyun-Sook, Lin I.-I., Sato Katsufumi, Narazaki Tomoko, Shay Lynn K., Miles Travis, Glenn Scott, Zhang Jun A., Jayne Steven R., Centurioni Luca, Le Hénaff Matthieu, Foltz Gregory R., Bringas Francis, Ali M. M., DiMarco Steven F., Hosoda Shigeki, Fukuoka Takuya, LaCour Benjamin, Mehra Avichal, Sanabia Elizabeth R., Gyakum John R., Dong Jili, Knaff John A., Goni Gustavo. 2019. Ocean Observations in Support of Studies and Forecasts of Tropical and Extratropical Cyclones. Frontiers in Marine Science, Volume 6, 2019, Page 446, doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00446
Pierre Testor, Brad DeYoung, Daniel L. Rudnick, Scott Glenn, Daniel Hayes, Craig Lee, Charitha B. Pattiaratchi, Katherine L. Hill, Emma Heslop, Victor Turpin, Pekka Alenius, Carlos Barrera, John Barth, Nicholas Beaird, Guislain Becu, Anthony Bosse, François Bourrin, Alex Brearley, Yi Chao, Sue Chen, Jacopo Chiggiato, Laurent Coppola, Richard Crout, James Cummings, Beth Curry, Ruth Curry, Richard Davis, Kruti Desai, Steven DiMarco, Catherine Edwards, Sophie Fielding, Ilker Fer, Eleanor Frajka-Williams, Hezi Gildor, Gustavo Goni, Dimitri Gutierrez, Stephanie Hanson, Peter Haugan, David Hebert, Joleen Heiderich, Karen J. Heywood, Patrick Hogan, Loïc Houpert, Sik Huh, Mark E. Inall, Masso Ishii, Schin-ichi Ito, Sachihiko Itoh, Sen Jan, Jan Kaiser, Johannes Karstensen, Barbara Kirkpatrick, Jody Klymak, Josh Kohut, Gerd Krahmann, Marjolaine Krug, Sam McClatchie, Frederic Marin, Elena Mauri, Avichal Mehra, Michael P. Meredith, Travis Miles, Julio Morell, Laurent Mortier, Sarah Nicholson, Joanne O’Callaghan, Diarmuid O’Conchubhair, Peter R. Oke, Enric P. Sanz, Matthew Palmer, JongJin Park, Leonidas Perivoliotis, Pierre-Marie Poulain, Ruth Perry, Bastien Queste, Luc Rainville, Eric Rehm, Moninya Roughan, Nicholas Rome, Tetjana Ross, Simon Ruiz, Grace Saba, Amandine Schaeffer, Martha Schonau, Katrin Schroeder, Yugo Shimizu, Bernadette M. Sloyan, David Smeed, Derrick P. Snowden, Yumi Song, Sebastiaan Swart, Miguel Tenreiro, Andrew F. Thompson, Joaquin Tintore, Robert E. Todd, Cesar Toro, Hugh Venables, Stephanie Waterman, Roy Watlington and Doug Wilson. 2019. OceanGliders: a component of the integrated GOOS. Frontiers in Marine Science doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00422
Roarty Hugh, Cook Thomas, Hazard Lisa, George Doug, Harlan Jack, Cosoli Simone, Wyatt Lucy, Alvarez Fanjul Enrique, Terrill Eric, Otero Mark, Largier John, Glenn Scott, Ebuchi Naoto, Whitehouse Brian, Bartlett Kevin, Mader Julien, Rubio Anna, Corgnati Lorenzo, Mantovani Carlo, Griffa Annalisa, Reyes Emma, Lorente Pablo, Flores-Vidal Xavier, Saavedra-Matta Kelly Johanna, Rogowski Peter, Prukpitikul Siriluk, Lee Sang-Ho, Lai Jian-Wu, Guerin Charles-Antoine, Sanchez Jorge, Hansen Birgit, Grilli Stephan. 2019. The Global High Frequency Radar Network. Frontiers in Marine Science, Volume 6, 2019, Page 164 doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00164
Miles, T., Seroka, G. and Glenn, S. 2017. Coastal ocean circulation during Hurricane Sandy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans Volume 122, Issue 9, September 2017, Pages 7095-7114. doi:10.1002/2017JC013031.
Goni, G.J., R.E. Todd, S.R. Jayne, G. Halliwell, S. Glenn, J. Dong, R. Curry, R. Domingues, F. Bringas, L. Centurioni, S.F. DiMarco, T. Miles, J. Morell, L. Pomales, H.-S. Kim, P.E. Robbins, G.G. Gawarkiewicz, J. Wilkin, J. Heiderich, B. Baltes, J.J. Cione, G. Seroka, K. Knee, and E.R. Sanabia. 2017. Autonomous and Lagrangian ocean observations for Atlantic tropical cyclone studies and forecasts. Oceanography 30(2):92–103,
Seroka, G., Miles, T., Xu, Y., Kohut, J., Schofield, O., Glenn, S. 2017. Rapid shelf-wide cooling response of a stratified coastal ocean to hurricanes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans Volume 122, Issue 6, June 2017, Pages 4845-4867, doi: 10.1002/2017JC012756.
Seroka, G., Miles, T., Xu, Y., Kohut, J., Schofield, O., Glenn, S. 2016. Hurricane Irene Sensitivity to Stratified Coastal Ocean C.oling. American Meteorological Society, Monthly Weather Review, September 2016, Rev., 144, 3507–3530 doi: 10.1175/MWR-D-15-0452.1.
Glenn, S.M., Miles, T.N., Seroka, G.N., Xu, Y., Forney, R.K., Yu, F., Roarty, H., Schofield, O., Kohut, J. 2016. Stratified coastal ocean interactions with tropical cyclones. Nature Communications, volume 7, Article number: 10887, Published: 08 March 2016. doi: 10.1038/ncomms10887
Miles, T., Seroka, G., Kohut J., Schofield O., Glenn S. 2015. Glider observations and modeling of sediment transport in Hurricane Sandy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, Volume 120, Issue 3, March 2015, Pages 1771-1791. doi:10.1002/2014JC010474.
Scott Glenn et al. 2013. Process Driven Improvements to Hurricane Intensity and Storm Surge Forecasts in the Mid-Atlantic Bight: Lessons Learned from Hurricanes Irene and Sandy. Marine Technology Society 2013.
Glenn, S., Schofield, O., Kohut, J., Bowers, L., Crowley, M., Dunk, R., Kerfoot, J., Miles, T., Palamara, L., Roarty, H., Seroka, G., Yi Xu, Titlow, J., Brown, W., Boicourt, W., Atkinson, L., Seim, H. 2012. Impact of ocean observations on hurricane forecasts in the Mid-Atlantic: Forecasting lessons learned from Hurricane Irene IEEE Oceans, vol., no., pp.1,5, 14-19 Oct. 2012. doi: 10.1109/OCEANS.2012.6404929.
Glenn, S. M., Jones, C., Twardowski, M., Bowers, L., Kerfoot, J., Kohut, J., Webb, D., Schofield , O. 2008. Glider observations of sediment resuspension in a Middle Atlantic Bight Fall Transition Storm. Limnology and Oceanography 53(5, Part 2): 2180-2196. doi: 10.2307/40058377.
Josh T. Kohut, Scott M. Glenn, Jeffrey D. Paduan. 2006. Inner shelf response to Tropical Storm Floyd. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 111, Issue C9, September 2006. doi:10.1029/2003JC002173.